Saturday, January 30, 2010
today was the day that I was suppose to follow Hidayah.R and Fazira.J to do their ebs coursework. (not help, just follow) but unfortunately, I cant. My mum told me that she and my dad have plans for us (me and siblings).guess what. we (siblings and I) followed dad to work!haha. he need to meet his boss and other workers at Sentosa. got some event on. (no idea what it was) so, we followed.sambil menyelam minum air la...
after the event, met up with mum. from there, we went to Palawan beach!!haha. we had fun although only 3 of us that swam. both parents didn't swam coz they cant. dad coz of his neck thigi and mum coz of her pinky finger thingi.confirm I will look darker on Monday. haha. shit ah sun burn!ok. that's all. gtg. need to finish up on my coursework. bye..I will update the pictures soon. (if I'm free and if i know how to update using sis camera) haha.muuaack!!deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
11:48 PM
my chocolate divine
Friday, January 29, 2010
after a while, I've noticed about "clip guy" & budak tu.."clip guy" is just like an average guy.he's just the same like some other guys, nothing wow about him actually. (other than his charming eyes) haha. alla, later confirm will get used to his staring and confirm can stare back into his eyes.. l0l. (mam phm jek si budak ni)and, budak tu.. looks like D! haha. but different a little ah.. budak tu..looks more chubby a little.deedeeLabels: "clip guy"
3:09 PM
my chocolate divine
Monday, January 25, 2010
ouh gosh!thanks to the Saturday (230110) now my leg muscle is aching! (still aching)from the peher to the betis to the ankle + my arm muscle is aching too!AND I do not know why, but my right hand is so damn pain.BUT I ENDURE ok. I ENDURE with the pain. I went for CCT and even ran up to my Malay class!!coz there is no no choice but to run. coz if you do not run, you will be the last one to step in the class an if you are the last one, you will need to sing in front of the class. SING MALAY SONG! but actually you will need to sing unless you are the last one and you are late for 5 minutes.ok. back to, school as per normal. nothing much, BUT GOOD NEWS, we (the 7 of us) are getting better together. haha. only during recess we ate together as 6, and not 7.coz..of, "b..ouh b.."after school went for training.during training, guess what...i saw budak tu... [alla,but merepek ah, he waiting for his gf (to finish training) la seh]what do you expect nad, his attached, still attach.other than budak tu, "clip guy" also have. haha. duuhhh...have training wat..after training, rushed home coz need to fetch my younger sis from school. so, walked home with elder sis and teesha!!the "clip guy" and his two other friends walked through the park too. but they were at the back. then half way, they stopped and "do their stuff" you know...walk half way and got to know that younger sis had reached continued walking home. then at blk 642, we split up, teesha go her way and me and elder sis go our way. (head home la)haha. muacckk!!! bye! update soon (if I have the time)deedeeLabels: "clip guy"
6:59 PM
my chocolate divine
I've made up my mind.I will not wear my new boots again. EVER!wanna know why...coz...its super irritating. gosh its big! BIG! arggghhh!!!*Yeah, I know its actually my fault, not my boots. coz its my feet that's small, not the boots that's BIG. haha.* (I know i have cute small feet)training was ok. ONLY MORE TIRING. coz thanks to kw, made us run up and down.I bet tomorrow my leg and arm muscle will be aching. CONFIRM!Got the news that our CCC is just 1 month ahead. NO! ITS LESS THAN 1 MONTH.CONFIRN KENA TEKAN TERUK2.BUT the good thing, we no need to come for Saturday training only after our CCC than we must come for Saturday training. coz... we will be having training twice per week.AND I'm still wondering how many cadets that will me down seh or Saturday training since most of us no need to come down coz we are involved in the CCC, NPAP or the Total Defence thingi.okok. that's all or now. will update soon. confirm!deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
6:21 PM
my chocolate divine
Saturday, January 23, 2010
To Aswandi Ali (boi), Happy belated bday!
To Nur Fatin Razak, Happy 16th Birthday!
May korang yner wish come true and all the best for your N level this year.
May Allah panjangkan umurmu.
May god bless you with good health and wealth.
6:09 PM
my chocolate divine
Friday, January 22, 2010
(haha got it from her blog coz lazy to upload)

Labels: ~budak kecik~
9:41 PM
my chocolate divine
argghhh!shit ah! wth!answered wrongly thn kena maki..fcuk ah.shit ah. shouldn't answered yes. should just answered no.BUT how to answer no sia, she was bugging me and kept asking weather was it yes or first i said no la. coz actually i do not get what she meant, so i just aid no. BUT than she sounded so surprised that i answered no, so she asked again. than that made me changed my mind, so answered yes.wth! thn kena tell him that my answer was yes. =.="TODAY! heard frm sis that he said that i merepek..?? thn kena maki. wth sia..argghh! should just stick to my answer and said no in the first place. hmmm....ah, just forget about it..just let he past be the past (although it was just yesterday)coz..TH PAST DOST NOT = TO THE FUTURE!**hope u (the him that i was referring to) read this post! coz its good if u know my true answer.***fingers cross* coz in the first place, hope u found my blog..~deedeeLabels: "clip guy"
9:15 PM
my chocolate divine
Thursday, January 21, 2010
haha. American Idol: Judge: Do you even know how to sing?"singer" : mi..mi..mi..mi..hahaha.Altough this episode was shown..but I still like it. hehee(to who ever that thinks you know what I mean, good)I know, I may be merepek at times. ;) but what to do, just bear with it..coz this is what you call, Nadhirah (deedee)deedeeLabels: "clip guy"
9:30 PM
my chocolate divine!"clip guy" talked to me and sat with me...haha. sat beside me...i don't know why..but I'm just trying not to look at his eyes when I'm talking to him. (don't try and ask me why)i know that who ever that knows me would know that when i talk, i would tend to look at that person's eyes. rite..but...for "clip guy" cannot. haha. :)[ok la, still trying to look, but its not that easy like other people (that I've look into their eyes before)]To "clip guy" :there are two things i wanna tell u.1) sorry i didn't woke u up2) Hello! I do have a name ok. My name is Nur Nadhirah (dee). So do call me with my name and not Hammadah's sister.Thanks..(btw, like u ("clip guy") would read my post OR even found my blog)haha. ok. that's all for today, wont elaborate more.DON'T WANT EVEN TO ELABORATE! (cannot)haha. btw trying to find time to update.deedeeLabels: "clip guy"
9:16 PM
my chocolate divine
ouh shit!I think that person overheard what I've said on Monday (180110)coz..that person today wore a clip again...AND this time he purposely walk towards me and talked to me, with the clip on.=.=" wth!like so obvious its by purpose u wore that clip and talked to me.its like so obvious la u heard what I've said OR said out loud on that Monday..argghh...shit ah selenger nah sangat. cakap pon, tak sada yng tercakap kuat2. haix..deedeeLabels: "clip guy"
9:10 PM
my chocolate divine
Monday, January 18, 2010
huh? what?DID I JUST SAID IT OUT LOUD??Said about that clip thingi...?ARGGHH!!!SHIT AH!*fingers cross*hope that the he/she that wore the clip did not have any miss conception.coz.. i was actually trying to disturb him/her indirectly and trying to said sarcastically that he/she looks cute if he/she wore clip.BUTif he/she tough that i was saying that he/she is cute....than....I DIE AH..~ (coz paiseh seh..) *blush*deedeeLabels: "clip guy"
3:39 PM
my chocolate divine
Yesterday was the 1st day that we ate back together (7 of us)
Although you (you may know who you are) may feel kinda acword, but its ok.
I know. haha.
Progressing slowly...
Nanti lamer2 da rapat alek la like 2007 ;) hehe.
Today was a bit better than yesterday.
We talked more. Talk to each other ok.. haha.
Progressing slowly...
(don't expect to change immediately, right..)
This is especially for you. (who is currently with "b")
I guess kan. I think kan. They will found out soon.
Found out abt "b" soon.
Coz Hid just now asked where were you when you were lining up to buy your food.
Labels: ~budak kecik~
3:29 PM
my chocolate divine
Sunday, January 17, 2010
(that's what I've learn from the camp)
Labels: ~budak kecik~
3:54 PM
my chocolate divine
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hey people of the world!I'm back from my camp. [IAG = I Am Gifted] Although I'm tired, my eyes are swollen and sleepy.. but I'm still making myself awake and not to sleep because I've not taken my dinner yet and also because I want to share with you guys (my readers, friends) what happened during the camp.There were all 3 trainers that took us (the 4NA).The 3 trainers were:Pamela, Danny and Jeff.It was Jeff Tan, not Jack Foo ok? haha.All 3 of them were really good. They know how to pass the massage to us in a fun way.By.. MAKING IT FUNNY!!But for me, Danny was the best because he knew how to made us have fun, laugh together and even made us cried.Jeff influence us with the word "nina nina" and "sioulll" (must pronounce the "L" clearer) haha. He even love to share with us his lame..jokes.*BUT, LESSON LEARN, LAME JOKES CAN ONLY BE DONE ONCE.*On the first day of the camp, everything was fine. EXCEPT for the food. The bread and rice were not enough during our 1st break. (there were total of 3 breaks)On the second day of the camp, before we went to our individual venues, we kena sound with one of our teachers because of we had complain of the food yesterday. She said actually it was more than enough during dinner time. There were even left overs. (wth..there must be people that didn't ate la..I ate sia, till cannot stuff any)Ok, just forget the part of what happened in the morning ah..When Danny came for his talk in the afternoon, he really touched our heart. HE MADE US CRY!WE CRIED! WE CRIED SOO BADLY!Came home with swollen eyes, blocked nose and headache.So when reached home, I just ate a bit and than just went to bed. My head was really aching..On the third day of the camp, we got more emotional. Words that touched our heart, we cried. Wow! The closing ceremony, were really power, more power. We cried again!! We cried more!!Soo my eyes now are more swollen than the second day.Overall, this camp is the best of all. Best among the rest. Best trainers! LOVE YOU GUYS! You guys really teach us some self awareness. (especially Danny!) Hope you guys will come again next year.
Yeah! I got my first aim. I had aimed to be back as 7 of us in a group and not 2 groups anymore.After the closing ceremony, we hugged, cried and even apologise to each other.I do really hope that we do really meant what we had just said to each other just now. Hope we can really be back together as we were in 2007. (When all 7 of us still together.)
deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
11:19 PM
my chocolate divine
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
(this post got nothing to do about my friends)do they even know how to talk properly??the "they" I'm referring to..the guys. (not all guys especilly Iskanda)lesson learn:do not judge the book by its cover..deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
4:39 PM
my chocolate divine

To Salam,
Ehem! Ade orang tu da tuer ah.. haha.
HAPPI 17th BIRTHDAY to you!
May god bless you with good health and wealth.
and, lastly may your wishes come true.
All the best for your "N" level..
4:19 PM
my chocolate divine
Monday, January 11, 2010
ok. let us recap.
what were the main course of these things to happen?
was it communication problem? (miss communication, miss understanding)
after i've read your blog,
these are my answers:
about that guy.. he got nothing got to do with this. (i've broke up) his irritating!
btw..did i talk to you guys too soft of what. coz when i talked, there would not be any respond.
so was it me or you guys.. if me, i can talk louder next time. if its you guys, maybe you guys just didn't hear me or just no idea to continue the conversation..
ah! btw you know that i know and i know that you know that no one is perfect in this world and everyone makes mistakes. right..
deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
11:11 PM
my chocolate divine
memories...hmmm...miss those years.those were the years..the year when we do really bond as a class.we do have a good bonding between each other and as a class.AND the "ouh shit!" part., the "ouh shit!" will not happen. coz..there will not be any "ouh shit!" haha.(some of you will get what i mean)deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
4:36 PM
my chocolate divine
hmmm...i tough of sort things out.sort things out with you guys.soo we will end up as a group of 7 and not as a two group.(two group: 1 and 6 or even 4 and 3)i would want us to be back as us during sec 1.all back together as one!please no more conflictplease be more understandingplease please please..really want to be back one is perfect. everyone makes mistake.deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
4:42 AM
my chocolate divine
Saturday, January 9, 2010
WAT i did not went for training. haix...wat the hell.haix..actually last night had prepare all the stuff.i had even polished my new boots. (new tau..)AND i even told ZP and her to come for training.BUT ended up i'm the one that didn't went.padahal da semangat2 seh polish boots baru sampai da kilat..abeh, tk g training. mepek ah seh..yang peliknyer, tk de sorang pon kol ke text me.not even my Ma'am. =.="haix...pelik2hmmm...mungkin. mungkin kn, skali kn, org tu da buat ceriter eh pasal me.ah gasak what i knw, i'm still not not gonna go for training. means.. i will be still going for training.BUT not for last minute training.even tough if i overheard u talking with someone about training or what so ever, i take it as it got nothing to do with me. coz u didn't talk to me or tell me anything. ok? get it now?deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
10:47 PM
my chocolate divine
Thursday, January 7, 2010
hey, ape ni. tak inform me ape2 ah..
kan selalu will inform earlier or will spread the news per..
text ke ape ke.
abeh, luper ke..
since when si Nur Nadhirah anak Sulaiman ni leh go anywhere last minute.
even tough if its school stuff or got to do with school, there must be a form or at least be inform earlier. ok.
jangan luper lagi tau..
dee ni, bukan nyer leh kalau last minute last minute ni semuer..
ok, tu je. harap jangan luper..
Labels: ~budak kecik~
2:31 PM
my chocolate divine
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
eh, kenaper la org tk nk forgive and forget ah..
i find it merepek seh.
lagi-lagi yng start it first tu yng selalu tk nk forgive and forget.
thn ended up yng lagi satu tu terpakser mengalah.
=.=" wat ta.. haix..
kau yng start it dulu seh.. abeh ape kau expect, layankan kau je ka pe ah..?
just go with kau nyer
haha. sori la eh, kiter tk tht stupid as you think k.
since kau leh ignore kiter, apasal lak kiter tk leh ignore kau lak, ah...
so you're trying to tell me that you je ah that can ignore us. isit..?
hahaha.. =.="
for what sia we hang around with you if most of the time you talk behind people's back. (people's back = your own friend's back)
then, part bepan-depan that person step maner la nyer baek..
HEY! A, i guess you should know what happened k. You should know what SHE talk about you behind your back.
haha. SHE tot she maner nyer pandai ke ah, talk about you behind your back BUT in front of your close friends. (or isit just friends??) =.="
HEY! btw A, fyi.. you've change too ok.
SHE really good at influence people. even her good close friend got influence.
PS: whatever it is, i will still be with her . even form sec 1 i was closer to her then SHE.**haha can't take it, blast it all out.thanks for reading.~deedee~Labels: ~budak kecik~
8:35 PM
my chocolate divine
to the tw
ins: Happy Sweet Sixteen!Hope that your wish will all come true..Wish you luck for everything.. ~naDEErawr~(Nadhirah la..)(sorry i took this picture from you)deedeeLabels: BIRTHDAYS
8:24 PM
my chocolate divine
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
this is for someone:Last Long tau. k..
Wish you guys best of luck..haha.hey gurl, u untung tau to be with him.coz i find him kinda sweet if his with his gurl.AND u guys look good together. haha. sweet la korang.deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
4:31 PM
my chocolate divine
Sunday, January 3, 2010
wow! people!i can't believe it that tmr is already gonna be a school week!gonna start school tmr.gosh! arghhh!positive and negative side>>positive thing:1. get to meet friends back!2. get to meet some mates that confirm had grown taller during the hols. especiallythe guys! hmph! (did i even grow taller??)negative thing:1. i can't update this blog often. (sorry guys)2. gonna be busy back. (back to school)ok. need to check stuff for school. bye.will update when i'm free. don't, deedee muuaack!Labels: ~budak kecik~
2:04 PM
my chocolate divine