Thursday, December 31, 2009
hey people, im back again.watched movie with mum and her friends.haha went to watch Alvin And The Chipmunks 2!l0l. u guys can say that i'm childish, but what ever it is i still like the movie.haha. cute and funny.after the movie, everyone went split ways.we (me, siblings and mum) went home, took Adah's camera then went to NP to print out 100 pics since there are free voucher of printing pics that expires today. haha.after printing the pics, tough of going to buy my school shoes. but than we took much time choosing which pics to print. what do u expect, there are thousands of pics in that camera and we only need to choose the best 100!so from NP, we went took 811 back to stop at kathib since there was countdown there! there were Taufik Batisah and Didicazli!but we were too tired, so went there to see how was it, bought some light sticks and than head back home. haha.coz waited for them (Taufik and Didi) but too late and we were tired, so went home..the light sticks were quite cheep! 3 for $1. ok ah the price.i guess that will be all. that's all for this year. bye people.Happy New Year!!PS: actually i cant believe that its already 2010 (in a few minutes) wow!bye!love, deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
11:36 AM
my chocolate divine
aching aching went home at 12am
yesterday went home at 12am++haha.went out with my younger sis to meet up with mum. meet mum than went to meet up with my elder sis. after that, than went to find school shoes for me and my younger sis. but ended up i didn't bought any shoes coz none of it that i want or even i like.hehe. cerewit kan si kecik ni..haha.if went out with mum confirm tired. coz we would ended up walking non back already aching, than went out with lagi la aching. haix..da la before meet mum, i went to school for a while (had to go, no choice although back really damn aching). went to school really for a while coz i went to send the reply slip of my dropping of subject form and tough of buying my math books also. BUT there were no stocks.. =.=" wast my time.. waste my energy just to go to school to return the reply slip. haix..ok. that's all for now.bye! need to get change coz gonna meet mum again.haha. gonna watch movie!love: deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
11:03 AM
my chocolate divine
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
yup. u cant predict it when u gonna be ill or even have back ache.
so yup, i ended up didn't went for training today. coz my back is really aching man. i couldnt even get off my bed without the aching pain feeling. gosh!
padahal last night (that is this morning at 1am+) da semangat-semangat tau, i even wrote on a piece of paper (actually 3, coz i rewrite it) the logistic needed and given.
then ended up...didn't went for training. coz of this back ache. haix..
the best thing.. (sarcastic)
yesterday, H didn't came for training coz heard from A that H cant come coz of H's grandmother.. i'm not shore about what. didn't catch the ball that well., me, A and H didn't went for training.
wow! was shock when ma'am asked me about H. coz i tough that H will come today. A didn't come coz A had a fever. A texts me.
BUT luckily and surprisingly the "2 monkeys" (nickname ma'am gave them) came for training today. i thought they wont be coming coz since they came yesterday..
gosh! i wonder how the attendance today. 3 NCO absent. (chairman, captain and vice captain)
what they did today? what can they do?
yesterday, girls only did basha and gadget. (2 flagstaff people didn't came) and the guys did basha and flagstaff. (coz no people for gadget)
whatever it is, thanks to N and A (the "monkeys") for coming for training.
thanks again guys!
ok. that's all for now! bye!
love: deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
11:15 AM
my chocolate divine
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
today actually i didn't had any mood to go for training.
but just went coz L.W.L told us that there will be a dance program.
so i'm curious what dance program and what kind of dance seh..
than she even told us that the day after the dance program there will be a first aid course.
so, yup i went for training today. wat to do. in charge.. hehe. need to show good example. l0l.
gosh! had to wake up early sia.. need to wake up at 0630 since need to fall in by 0745. therefore, be there before 0740.
haix..but still need to get used to it since sch is gonna be re-open less than a week.
ok. now about the training..
wow. tiring sia. i think long time i never exercise or either i eat allot during the hols. l0l.
haix..shit man. pressure on me. i;m the one in charge, i'm the one that need to remember everything. wat the hell.
i need to know how many stuff needed (given on the competition and we used).
and wow! the best thing was there were 3 girls chit chatting around. more talk, less work. =.="
hahaha. thanks allot girls, coz of that everyone kena pump. but haah..lucky u guys need to pump extra 10. and luckily ma'am know my situation. (situation with the girls)
and also, luckily there were Ayuni! she save me. if she didn't came, i guess i would be the only one doing the basha with the talking girls.
now i'm still wondering why there were extra ponchos. tot we did used all.. hmmm..
l0l! the surprising part was..there was NO DANCE PROGRAM thing.
there was only the first aid thing. started at 1030 until 1130.
the best thing was..u know what.
the course that L.W.L told us..was, she was referring to our own red cross teaching us first aid.
and there are more, there wont be any badges or certificate given after the "course" =.="
so i was like.. =.=" what*
and obviously, the "monkeys" (ma'am gave them that nickname) didn't paid any attention since there wont we any badges earned.
so yup that's all for the training..
haha. after training went makan with Ayuni, Adha and Nishanth.
gosh! A was really annoying man.
kept irritating me, giving me his faces..
gosh, he could be a debater or even like Ayuni said a lawyer. l0l.
coz what ever he talks, there wouldn't be any answers for u to even answer. so therefore, if he is a debater, he would win. haha.
okok. that's all for today. really tired. (although had a nap already)
bye people! tc!
love: deedee muack!Labels: ~budak kecik~
5:01 PM
my chocolate divine
Monday, December 28, 2009
elo people..!yesterday i went indoor stadium to watch Singapore Idol!haha. it was ok. but we sat at the top. at the East side. but i guess it was better than North side, West side or even dint get to watch it right. (bukan nak kenakan my both cousin eh..)thanks dad for the tickets!but i pity my both cousins..cian dorang.. at last minute soddenly tk leh g lak.haix..thanks to their adek tht buat perangai.thanks much yea..was it sha yng uat perangai?? (ermm..i think so..)but at least Sezairi Sezali won!haha.bluek to u Silvia! bluek3!haha.too bad. i guess how hard u tried, i already had high hope that he will still be the Idol.coz females would vote like mad for males. ok. but males wont vote like mad for females. get it.coz males not as crazy as females. l0l. haha.yahooo! at least i didn't waste my vote. l0l. although i just voted once, it makes a big diff ok..ok, that's all for today people.bye. tc!love: deedeeLabels: ~budak kecik~
3:01 PM
my chocolate divine
Saturday, December 26, 2009
hey!elo..i just came back from Malacca. went on 25Dec2009, to help out with some stuff for my cousin's (actually uncle) Engagement day.haha but like ended up didn't help much but just made the place nosier and cramp. l0l.the best thing of all..didn't plan to overnight coz my cousin called the night before, they said that they wont be following us coz my uncle had an afternoon shift.therefore i just brought some stuff. some stuff as in really soome..stuffafter the engagement..suddenly my aunt called and told that they are on their way to Malacca.was shock man..hahabut..if was fun, 1 van and 3 cars "convoyed" every where.only until there were a slight..communication, we split up to 2 cars only.thn from 2 cars to by your own..ended up didn't get to went to 'Pandan City' only coz of the communication prob.OK!forget about that!haha. I CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!tomorrow gonna go watch Singapore Idol!haha. yeah! with my both cousin!that's all for today.thanks for reading..will be updating soon. muuaack!Labels: ~budak kecik~
7:47 AM
my chocolate divine
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
(sorry its in malay)
merepek la seh..
i find it really merepek. coz..
coz yang bukan Islam nak jadi macam Islam.
and.. yang Islam pulak, nak jadi macam si bukan Islam.
kan merepek tu..
yang Islam go buat tatto.
abeh yang si bukan Islam pulak, kalau boleh tak nak buat tattoo. (coz parents tak kasi)
tapi.. akhirnyer, buat jugak coz of influence ngan kawan-kawan merepek yang katanyer je Islam tapi ber tattoo.
da la.. tak de makner nyer pon if i cakap ape-ape.
coz korang nyer suker ah kan, korang nak buat ape..
korang nyer badan, korang nyer duit, korang yang tanggung dosa.
korang nyer suker la..
dee leh nasihat and cakap jek.. tapi kalau korang malas nak dengar, dee tak leh buat ape-ape pon..
ye la kan, saper la nk dengar nasihat si budak kecik ni kan..
budak kecik jek..maner tau ape-ape
=.=" haix..
da la, tu je la..
(wow, banyak jugak eh si kecik ni membebil. haha)Labels: [ciner mualaf], ~budak kecik~
3:44 PM
my chocolate divine
Sunday, December 20, 2009
(sori in malay) btl nk masok Islam ke tak ni?ke, ckp jek nk masok Islam only to impress me ah..?nak masok islam, tapi selenger nah..asl go make tattoo?argh!!! tak guner pon ah bising-bising.its your choice. your life. your badan. you yang akan, i got no right to tegur u or even to stop u.da la at first i dengar u minum. ok, ah tak pasal sangat coz u pon bukan nyer Islam per..tapi u told me tht u will stop when u da convert.tu pon, tak tau la eh.. btl ke tak..merepek merepek..!sangat sangat the merepek u know...Labels: [ciner mualaf], ~budak kecik~
2:47 PM
my chocolate divine
Saturday, December 19, 2009 went to flyer with cousins.didn't plan, i was a last minute thing.aunt suddenly called and told us (my siblings and i) to get ready, they will come and pick us first didn't know where they would bring us. but thn, thanks one of my cuz..(i guess he was too excited) he told us.after that, we went to West Coast Park (near his place) to makan (eat). we ate at Mc Donald's since the younger ones wanted to.after that, headed back here i am!haha.**Mon (21-12-09) he gonna book in back again. back to camp. gonna miss him much.**Labels: [ciner mualaf]
11:59 AM
my chocolate divine
Friday, December 18, 2009
yeah yeah!at last get to hear his voice! not D's voice k. (impossible D would called me or i would called him) =.="its Don la. i called him. haha. so, we were otf from 12am+ till 1am i guess.we hang up coz he sae tht he need to charge his phone. haix..but aft tht i called him back. but only for a while coz he wanna sleep.but i fee quite bad also. coz like he force himself to stay awake coz of me.only to let me hear his i'm sori b to make u stay up late. muack!Labels: [ciner mualaf]
1:50 AM
my chocolate divine
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
i'm his sayang? confirm i ask him is it true what he text to me yesterday..and..this is how it goes...:Me: btw btl ke smlm u sae tht im ur syg?Him: yes2Me: why?Him: no why. u taknk jadi my syg ke?Me: nk, tk kn tk nk kn..Him: haha. okok.Me: soo, actually start dari biler i jdi ur syg?Him: biler2 is it up to me?i pick a date?what date?haix..go?3rd? 12th? 15th?ah! should just ask him when he start to have a crush on me..thn see the date ah. haha.Labels: [ciner mualaf]
6:18 AM
my chocolate divine
Saturday, December 12, 2009
wanna know something..?
i've told mum about Don and she called, him "ciner mualaf"
coz she say, since he converted to Islam, he should be call "mualaf".
yeah yeah!
he book out today!
today pon his P.O.P!
muuaack!Labels: [ciner mualaf]
3:28 AM
my chocolate divine
Thursday, December 10, 2009
i've got even more interested into getting to know u more when i heard that ur not Islam but u wanna convert to Islam.but really, i find myself getting interested in getting to know u more when i heard about that.therefore if u find me annoying or irritating coz of i kept asking u questions by questions, i'm sorry. coz that's who i am. i'll ask questions when i'm curious or anxious of wanting to know more. (but sometimes coz of i'm concern too, that's why..) hahaLabels: [ciner mualaf]
11:04 PM
my chocolate divine
just chat with D.
D asked me weather am i attached and stuff.
he got quite mad when he heard abt the reason why i broke up wth A.
he even got mad when he asked me where A sch. coz i told him tht A most of the time told me diff things. sometimes sae this, sometimes sae that. all diff stories.
so before he got mad, i changed topic. i asked abt him and S.
he sae he wont ever want to break up wth S coz his lazy to find new one and he even told me that its diff to find new one.
hiax...gosh. ape susah, da ade yng depan mater. da ade yng suker. tk kn tu pon susah kn nk nampak..da tk yah carik da.
alla, tpi mungkin kalau da tk suker ngn yng dpan mater, aper nk uat..kan..
haix, cian dee~
heheLabels: |nad|
1:00 PM
my chocolate divine
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I really love these phrase:Kalau kamu cintakan bunga, bunga akan layu
Kalau kamu cintakan harta, harta akan musnah
Kalau kamu cintakan manusia, manusia pasti akan mati
Tetapi kalau kamu cintakan allah, allah kekal abadi
hared these phrase at Cinta Sempurna last episode.Labels: `phrases`
6:15 AM
my chocolate divine
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
hey, went to my mum work place to help her clear up all her stuff.coz she get a better job! haha. she gonna be teaching back.but now not at the same company, but diff. now she will be working at Cheerie Hearts. at Tempines.haha. okok. now get back to the main thing and main topic abt this post.okok, the main thing is to sae that...while helping my mum at work, i've got a text message frm an unknown number.tht guy sae his name is Don. His 19. (his real name, is only for me to know. haha)got my number frm Asshiq??yng kelakar nyer..his third text was: Nie don. Blh berkenalan?yup, he sae berkenalan..nt lke others. others would sae kenal2 not berkenalan.sooo..we kept on texting each other. getting to know each other more.but, we are only being friends.will update more abt him...haha tataa..Labels: [ciner mualaf]
7:07 PM
my chocolate divine
Saturday, December 5, 2009
hey guys!i went to my cuz place cuz told me this word: "simpan mataer"wanna know whats the meaning?? means > eg: A nk break up ngn B, tapi B tk nk, B maseh nk kn A. So B tu sinpan mataer la. Coz B tu tk tau nk lepas kn A even tough A tu da tk nk.this post is indirectally trying to kener kn somebody..that somebody is A. haha.Alamak! org da tk nk, sudah ah. tk kn nk pakser ppulak kn. tk kn nk pakser hati dia lak kn..hey! life must still go on la seh..
5:58 PM
my chocolate divine
gosh!why couldn't i sleep last night??D kept appearing in my mind. when i close my eyes wanna sleep, D kept appearing.haix.. tried to get D out of my mind, but cant. i just read my prayers again and again till i fell asleep.Labels: |nad|
5:36 PM
my chocolate divine
Friday, December 4, 2009
hey people!
i've just watch NEW MOON!
wow love the the show! really looking forwarded for the continuous of it.
Taylor Lautner really hot!!
his body soo nice..tanned.
Edward Cullen, ok ah..but Taylor Lautner better. haha.
coz..Edward looks pale and like wanna die. Taylor looks tanned and have nice body. haha.
10:32 PM
my chocolate divine
Thursday, December 3, 2009
hey hey hey!i've just read D's blog and...i think i should just wish all the best for D's relationship with his girl (sha).coz i read that they have been not in a good terms recently.sooo ALL THE BEST YEA D!btw if u'r reading this D (if u found my blog), than i think u should know already how i feel or what i mean :) k.Labels: |nad|
10:09 PM
my chocolate divine
Me: dgn trolley2 korang bawa...haha
011209 at 3:02pm ·
011209 at 9:50pm
D: tu ah, dah bagos bawak trolley, kalau bwk nadhirah ....
011209 at 11:03pm
: Okay. tu siaal. Lol !
011209 at 11:03pm
tak sial tapi syg .... hahaha ^_^
011209 at 11:07pm
huh? syg i..? bkn ke u syg sha? haha
021209 at 5:12pm ·
Amalina: *no comments*
021209 at 9:06pm
Labels: |nad|
3:18 PM
my chocolate divine
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
haha my lil sis have grown older!! l0l
hope u love your presents and may god bless u. muuacckk!!Labels: BIRTHDAYS
4:42 PM
my chocolate divine