A (a gf of mine) ever told me that D and i are just like TTM (Teman Tapi Mesra).
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(last year) today was the date that D confessed to me that he had a crush on me too. wooow.
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(last year) today was the date that i confessed to D that i had a crush on him. haha. really cant believe it myself that i did that. but..although i confess him by only taxing (sms) it was really not that easy as it sounds.
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i just notice that the date today was the date that D found out that i had a crush on him. (16Nov08) << (last year thing)
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went STC (Survival Training Camp) with area 10 on the 13-15 of Nov.
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:) elo people!
this is my first post
sooo...actually there is not much to talk about.the only thing i guess i can talk about is about why doi deside to make a blog of my own.i decided to make my own blog when i feel thati really cant take it by keeping everything to myself.so i tought of sharing it.so thats how the story goes..
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